This work has been carried out in the framework of the Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050461, entitled: Be@CyberPro - A videogame for fostering cybersecurity careers in Schools. The aim of this project is to address the gender gap facing the cybersecurity industry, and to foster the vocation of cybersecurity careers with a special focus on young teenage girls. The project has been developed by a consortium of institutions composed of private sector companies and academic institutions of higher education, in collaboration with secondary, high and vocational schools. Better information, in a more attractive format, on cybersecurity careers could positively impact more young people choosing this path, and female role models can motivate girls to enrol in cybersecurity education.
Therefore, one of the objectives of this project has been to generate quality content on cybersecurity for schools taking as a reference the European Framework of Digital Competences for Citizens (DigComp). For this purpose, an educational platform on cybersecurity has been created with open educational resources (OER) on cybersecurity, focused on training and raising awareness among students, teachers and families. T...