This article analyzes how the interconnections between Wellness and Marketing have recently dealt with certain leisure and free time activities, such as model making. Model making is a hobby that encourages manual skills and other skills. This sector has registered an exponential growth in the last three years as a result of routine changes linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has enhanced the role of wellness, well-being, and health in people’s lives. For this reason, this research aims at discovering how model making brands use advertising communication to enhance the link between wellness and model making activities to attract new generations of users. On the one hand, the review of the literature addresses the association between model making and health; on the other hand, the single case study of the model makers brand “Airfix” empirically analyzes how the brand has taken advantage of this niche of interest to design their latest advertising campaigns: “Have a break” (in collaboration with Kit Kat, in 2019), “Keep Calm and Buid Airfix” (brand´s call to action for becoming a member of the Airfix Club, in 2020), and “Modellers Brew” in cooperation with Warbird Coffee, in 2023.