Education is living harsh times. Traditional ways of teaching, such as master classes and unidirectional transmission processes, co-exist with innovative methods, which imply uncertainty and permanent change. Therefore, new teaching methodologies and strategies find themselves in nowhere land, with a long way to go still. It looks like Education has never found itself in the middle of so many social transformations, so it needs to become flexible and tolerant to answer to society’s challenges and demands. Critical thinking and analysis must appear in every teacher’s theoretical horizon, so he/she incorporates it in his/her training, as well as in his/her everyday practices. Therefore, the key to transform Education might be to re-think and to re-build it from within.
Aware that critical thinking is needed in the classroom, we have conceived a project of experiential learning. It consists of organizing debates and using them as pedagogical tools with the students of the MA Program in Teacher Training and Education, especially with those who are trained to teach Economy in Secondary Education schools in the future. With this activity that we carried out during virtual sessions of the subject “Lear...